October 25, 2008

"Muir Football Players Show Their True Colors After a Close Victory"

Friday night the John Burroughs HS vs. Muir HS football came to a close. The seconds fell off the clock and Muir secured their victory 13-10 over the Indians.
As with any game the two teams met on the 50 yard line to tell their opponent good game, show their respect for the hard fought battle and ensure that each team is equal regardless of the score.
In a blatant showing of disrespect the members of Muir High School's football team, after mocking players throughout the game, attempted to start a fight in the middle of the field.
Given Burbank is an upper middle class neighborhood where most crime is innocent and corrected, Muir is very, for lack of a better term, ghetto.
The surroundings are less then ideal with a freeway across from the field and small narrow streets surrounding the less than impressive stadium.
The moveable stadium lights and sparse seating in the makeshift stands show the lack of funds in the area.
The school is far off in the distance, almost far enough away to forget about academics.
In fact Muir's test scores show their lack of enthusiasm for education.
While Burroughs nearly reached and is still striving for 'Target 800' Muir scored 601.
And the California High School Exit Exam, CAHSEE, which all students must pass to graduate shows their lack of dedication to study.
For example last year 94% of students passed the English portion of the test. And 92% passed the math section.
Whereas Muir's score were far lower.
Only 66% of Muir students passed the Englished portion and a sad 68% passed the math section.
Given Burroughs is a more academically challenging school, Muir gives students opportunities to succeed.
Burroughs offers 24 Advanced Placement tests, Muir offers 11.
Also teachers at JBHS are more qualifies. 91% of teachers are JBHS are fully credentialed.
Only 77% of Muir's teachers are fully credentialed.
The school's obvious disregaurd for academics show their ignorance put forth.
The game shows the quality of the neighborhood the students grow up in.
Each corner with a gate has a security guard who looks less than enthused to be working.
And on the visitor side of the field, where the fence is open to a public street locals gather to watch the game free of charge, choosing to stand rather than pay. They scream, laugh and smoke marijuana, the smell and cloud give them away.
The less than friendly ambiance put forth is pushed from mind while the two teams battle. But quickly it returns.
During halftime lines crowd around the snack bar as hungry football fans look for food. A small girl stands up tall and asks with a big smile, "what can I get you?" she slowly grabs the menu and pulls it closer to the woman at the counter.
She waits and smiles then quickly takes the money and returns with the food ordered, still smiling she says, "thank you!"
In this moment it is hard not to think about how this innocent girl will be affected by the hate around her.
While poverty is a harsh word, the obvious financial hardships of the area may add to th e attitude of the people in the area.
In Burbank only 17% of students are enrolled in a free or reduced lunch program, Muir, however has 60% of their students participating in the same type of program.
It could simply be the differences between the two areas are too great for the two sides to get along. Poverty and ignorance are too great to overcome.
As the second half of the game closed and Muir had successfully overtaken Burroughs, although a close call, the team should be respectful and sportsmanlike.
But as the game closed hateful words were thrown across the field, players confronted and coaches pulling back.
The coaches and administrators at the game quickly put the start of a fight to an end and made sure to separate the two sides, who apparently were ready to take the battle elsewhere than the field.
As the players grabbed their stuff and moved toward the buses principle Emilo Urioste told JBHS fans, "please exit through this gate."
The girl he was speaking to said quickly, "but we parked over there," pointing toward the home side of the field where a cluster of Muir players, parents and fans still stood.
He responded simply, "I think you're gonna want to go this way," pointing toward the buses.

This article was written by the student editor-in-chief at Burroughs High School. Nothing has been changed in the article, including grammar. Forgive me of my childishness but I liked how the student of the far more advanced Burroughs didn't know how to use her commas, among other things.

Anyway, there it is. I won't deny that many Muir students are very ignorant and have poor sportsmanship but this is ridiculous. I am so glad that Burroughs knows how to take the high road and maintain its high standards.


Lyle said...


I'm surprised they let that article be published in a high school newspaper.

Lyle said...

Don't make me start making more comments about how bad your dead blog smells.