February 11, 2011


My Friday classes came and went and that boy in my anatomy class still did not ask me out. Guess I'll just have to make my own dinner on Monday.

...or maybe I'll grab a couple other girls and we'll go to Craigo's. mmmm...

Anyway, today between my classes, the Animal Handling 347 class was using the riding arena. They were working with several horses, including Ice Man, that horse with the blue eyes I've posted pictures of, and the school's new Appaloosa, which is just such a beautiful horse. I was very jealous.


Carla said...

hmmm no date vs no horses...
The second is seriously more heartbreaking!

Jenny said...

I thought they'd changed the name of all the Craigo's? Lame. I miss their big old cheesy breadsticks. If they still have those, you should definitely go there for V-day.

Cleo said...

Yeah, they're called something different now but I can never remember what.

Lyle said...

What a lame-o he is.